Energy transition through sector coupling - the path to 1.5 degrees?

by Vivian Bullinger | 17.02.2022

In his 2016 study "Sector coupling through the energy turnaround", Prof. Dr. Volker Quaschning calls for complete decarbonization of the electricity, heating and transport sectors by 2040 in order to achieve successful climate protection and meet the targets agreed in the Paris Climate Agreement.

In our video interview, we asked him about this and many other topics. We were interested, for example, in what has been achieved in the past five years in the area of sector coupling? How the increasing energy demand, which will also be created by the energy transition, can be met? And, of course, how sector coupling is implemented in practice?


Interview with Prof. Dr. Quaschning Part 1:

Interview with Prof. Dr. Quaschning part 2:


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